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Wednesday, 10 February 2016

Came across a bookmark for this blog on an old computer the other day and can't believe four years have flown by since this adventure. Nor can I believe 17 odd thousand folk have passed by or that  maybe 1 person viewed it 17 thousand times.

So, the old girl is resting down the lake, waiting for me to regain some enthusiasm to jack her up on foils or fit that 49er rig, but in truth I guess that's not going to happen, so if anyone reading this fancies giving her a home, please don't hesitate to contact me.

A lot of drama has unfolded in my life in the past four years involving semi retirement from business,   domestic downsizing and a different viewpoint in what is enjoyable about sailboat racing. One day in the hopefully not too distant future I am going to build another version of this experiment, but the key design parameters have now changed and it'll be aimed more at the nip and tuck tactical racing that I so enjoy and something that won't involve me having to wear knee pads or worrying about it constantly trying to tip me out, yet will be easy to recover should that happen.

This blog is also on a Google account I'd long forgotten about and facebook these days offers a fast easier communication vehicle of my adventures, never the less I'll just bung a couple of bits about what happened since this.

From memory I bought an EPS which introduced me to well balanced una rig handling, then recently finally found a couple of craft that actually suit my build. The first was a Solution that I don't have any pictures of in action and the 2nd is an ancient MiniSprint which are temporarily filling the sailing void, so that brings things up to date for the moment maybe now I've re discovered this I'll swing back with more news as it occurs. The way things appear at the moment is me moving backwards in time, but with all things in this infernal sitting down lark there brings with it the inevitable learning curve.